This page presents an interactive overview of the financial aid measures that were provided both by the Federal Government as well as by the provinces during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Austrian Court of Audit (ACA) recorded the financial aid measures, which have been implemented since 1 March 2020, on a quarterly basis. Currently, the data that is available to the ACA covers the period until end-June 2022.

The graphs below show the planned overall aid volume as well as the financial aid measures that were actually provided. “Financial aid measures” concern non-monetary aid – such as grants, in-kind benefits, liabilities, guarantees and loans. The graphs also depict public revenue shortfalls – such as foregone revenue. The bar with the description “no restriction” shows those aid measures that have not been allocated to any specific area.

All financial aid measures considered, the figures for the period until 30 June 2022 are as follows:

This graph shows the quarterly development of the planned overall volume and the financial aid that was actually provided for all aid measures by the Federal Government and the provinces.
Please move the mouse over a point to display additional information.

Provided aid measures Planned volume

This graph shows the planned overall volume and the financial aid that was actually provided for all aid measures broken down by the Federal Government and the provinces until June 2022:

Provided aid measures Planned volume

Please note that the figures in the interactive graph are, in part, presented in more detail than in the report “COVID-19 – Structure and Scope of the Financial Aid Measures: Data Update 2022”.

By June 2022, the financial aid measures of the Federal Government reached the following actual and/or planned values:

This page provides an overview of

Please select an area and a type of aid. The financial aid measures are presented on a quarterly basis:

Provided aid measures
Planned volume

Please select a point in time. The financial aid measures broken down by area and type are presented up to the selected point in time:

Provided aid measures
Planned volume
Please note that the Federal Ministry of Finance presented the planned overall volume of deferrals on the federal level (as part of the estimated overall volume of EUR 12 billion as at 30 September 2020 and/or EUR 10 billion as at 30 June 2021) together with foregone revenue and other measures.

Please select a point in time, an area and type of aid. The financial aid measures are broken down by external recipients:

Provided aid measures
Planned volume

By June 2022, the aid measures of the provinces reached the following actual and/or planned values:

This page provides an overview of

Please select a point in time, an area and a type of aid measure. The financial aid measures broken down by province are presented up to the selected point in time:

Provided aid measures
Planned volume

Please select a point in time and a province. The financial aid measures broken down by area and type are presented up to the selected point in time:

Provided aid measures Planned volume

Please select a province, an area and a type of aid. The financial aid measures are presented on a quarterly basis:

Provided aid measures Planned volume

Please select a province, an area and a type of aid. The financial aid measures are broken down by external recipients:

Provided aid measures
Planned volume

Please select a local authority, a point in time, an area and a type of aid (all figures are in EUR million).

You can download the table as a csv file. At the bottom of the page you will find a list of the most important abbreviations.
